

Many contracts issued by Foreign Government for the direct Supply or subcontract of products or military/civilian services require industrial compensations.

These contract are formalized in a side agreement provide a wide series of activities with Beneficiary the Purchasing Country.
The benefits generated in the execution of this agreement are valued and progressively accounted up to a final completion of the contractual obligation.

Stanley & Clark was established to provide our customers with experienced and capable support in all aspects of defence related countertrade.

Our services are designed to manage and support the creation of all forms of defence/industrial countertrading, including and not limited to :

Industrial Participation (IP)

Industrial Cooperation (IC)

Industrial Engagement (IE)

Our services in IP, IC and IE cover all stages of the Project Lifecycle; from contributing to the planning of your strategy, to preparing compliant tenders and managing countertrade programmes to successful completion.

Risk Management is a key aspect of your work. We ensure your countertrade proposals and contracts are delivered to budget and on time.
We also work closely with our
customers as consultants developing a sound Governance, caring that countertrade is managed as an integral part of your organisation and management procedures.


Our experience in the Defence market with focus in Aeronautics will help our customers to promote and sell their products in Italy.

We have the appropriate contacts to the individual people within the organization of your customers. This enables immediate and appropriate contacts to your customers and their potential requirements for your company´s products and services. Stanley & Clark srl provides our customers with regular and timely reports, market analyses, assessments and recommendations to develop your business.